

Parallel High-tension coil winder

  • Model: PG-500
  • Power:
  • Weight:
  • Describe:

    Parallel high-tension automatic coil winder machine, for the man-machine interface, the 7-inch TFT color touch screen is adopted, with the resolution up to 800*480, with wide screen and with handsome appearance. With MCGS configuration software adapted, the machine enjoys high reliability and easy operation.

Product Details

Automatic Coil Winder Machine Characteristics

1. For the man-machine interface, the 7-inch TFT color touch screen is adopted, with the resolution up to 800*480, with wide screen and with handsome appearance. With MCGS configuration software adapted, the machine enjoys high reliability and easy operation. 

2. For coiling section, the G7, 3KW frequency converter made by yasakawa, Japan is adopted, using vector control mode, with the maximum coiling speed reaching 1000 rpm. 

3. For the wire arranging section, with the precision reaching 0.1mm. 

4. For the control section, the self-developed high-performance and highly reliable computer controller is adopted, which, via RS-485 communication, exchanges data with the display screen to timely display the real-time data. 

5. The tailstock of the cylinder is secure, with the center height of the main-shaft being 1000mm, the maximum coiling diameter being 400mm and the maximum width being 500mm. 

6. Power supply: 3*380V, compressed air supply: 7Kgf/cm2.

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