

16Meter strip wrapping machine

  • Model:
  • Power:
  • Weight:
  • Describe:

    This machine is suitable for capacitance bushing core wrapping by strip. And also can produce capacitance bushing by resin impregnated paper or oil impregnated paper.

? Performance Characteristics

???? This machine is suitable for capacitance bushing core wrapping by strip. And also can produce capacitance bushing by resin impregnated paper or oil impregnated paper.

? Technical parameters



? Temperature of nature


? Relative humidity


? Voltage


? Length of bushing:


? Max diameter of the product


? Range of external diameter


? Range of inner diameter


? Max length of the product


? Max weight of the product


? Width of raw paper


? Diameter of the paper


? Inner of the paper


? Thickness of resin impregnated paper


? Thickness of oil impregnated paper


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